Anyone else’s dog spray in the house... is this normal?

So, my dog Bubba (he’s a 2-year-old neutered Jack Russell) sprays in the house sometimes. It’s bright yellow and oily. IDK if that’s normal, but it’s starting to worry me. He’s been doing it for months and I’m just wondering if anyone else has had a similar issue. He’s a bit skittish and not the brightest, but I’ve had him since he was a pup. He’s healthy otherwise, eats and drinks fine. Any advice? :grimacing:

I had a similar issue with my dog! If the spray is yellow and oily, it might just be urine marking, especially if there’s any male dogs around, even just the smell of one can trigger it. :sweat_smile: Has Bubba been around other dogs? Could be territorial behavior.

No other male dogs nearby, and he’s usually pretty skittish around others. But he does spray a couple of times a week… I’m just not sure if it’s something to worry about.

Barbara said:
No other male dogs nearby, and he’s usually pretty skittish around others. But he does spray a couple of times a week… I’m just not sure if it’s something to worry about.

Yeah, that makes sense. The spraying could just be stress or habit then. You could try distracting him with toys or treats to keep him busy, might help with the stress. Let me know if it helps!

That yellow and oily spray sounds like it might be related to diet, or even a urinary issue. Have you noticed him having any other health issues like frequent peeing or drinking a lot? Might be worth checking with a vet just to be safe!

He eats fine and drinks a lot of water, but he’s been healthy otherwise. I guess I’ll keep an eye on it, though. Thanks for the heads-up!

I don’t think the color of the spray is a huge issue unless it’s super dark. If Bubba is neutered and still spraying, it might just be territorial. I know it sounds weird, but even the smell of other dogs, especially un-neutered males, can make them act like that.

That makes sense, maybe I just need to clean it up more often to prevent him from marking the same spots. I’ll try that. Thanks for the input!

Also, if you’re not able to catch him in the act, maybe try using a commercial spray to clean up the urine. That could help prevent him from marking the spot again. Some sprays work really well to stop it from becoming a habit!

Good idea! I’ve seen those sprays, I’ll check them out and see if that helps. Thanks!

Try reducing his stress. Sometimes just having more toys or treats around can help distract them. Poor Bubba might be stressed out, especially if he’s already skittish. :confused:

Hepburn said:
Try reducing his stress. Sometimes just having more toys or treats around can help distract them. Poor Bubba might be stressed out, especially if he’s already skittish. :confused:

I’ll give that a try! He’s a nervous dog, so maybe that’s part of it. Fingers crossed it helps!