How many hot dogs can I feed my dog a day?

Hot dogs are the only treat that gets my dog’s attention away from other dogs. I have heard conflicting advice some say they are bad for dogs due to their fat and salt content, while trainers recommend them. What are the pros and cons?

Can I give my dog two hot dogs a day?

Just curious! Lol.


Not to complicate things out, Just look for a dog specialist to help out on this matter.


Yes! My trainer recommended that I can at least give my dog hot dogs in little portions maybe once a day. :grinning:

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@Nala Hahaaa! Who is your trainer seems he skipped lessons :rofl:

:rofl: :rofl: look for another trainer Nala.

It’s always best to consult with your vet for personalized advice.

Two is acceptable. My trainer taught me something that has, in my experience, worked: the number of times a dog receives a treat counts for a lot more to them than the size of the treat each time. To make a “jackpot,” try chopping them up into little pieces and giving each person three or four pieces separately.

Well, let’s just say you don’t want your dog turning into a “hot dog” themselves.:joy:

In all seriousness though, hot dogs should be given to dogs sparingly and in moderation. They’re high in salt and fat, which can upset their tummies and lead to health issues. Stick to dog-friendly treats and balanced meals to keep your furry friend happy and healthy.

Hi, Scofield. Two a day every day seems like a lot - it’s considerably more processed meat than a full-grown human should have, and I don’t think that much sodium is good for dogs too.