Has anyone attended this training program or know someone who has? I’ve been researching dog trainers, and this one has excellent reviews, albeit at a high cost. Wondering if they live up to the hype and if the price is justified.
I haven’t tried it myself, but I’ve heard mixed reviews from people. I knew a trainer who worked with them briefly. They weren’t terrible, but I can’t fully recommend them. It seems like it’s one company with different trainers working independently. Your experience might vary depending on the specific trainer you get.
When I looked at their website, if it’s the one I’m thinking of, I had some worries about their promises. They claim to guarantee that your dog will listen off-leash in just two weeks. That makes me think they might rely heavily on using a remote control with a strict approach. In two weeks, it’s hard to teach commands and get the dog to really understand them, in my opinion. To get quick results, they might just be stopping the dog from doing anything except what they want. It can help temporarily, but it’s not usually the best long-term solution.