Older Dog Leash Training

My partner never properly leash trained his dog, a 6-year-old lab/pit mix, and she’s a bit too strong for me to handle. I’d love to take her on walks and enjoy our time together, especially since my partner is so busy and can’t give her as much attention as before. But the problem is, she pulls really hard in every direction. I’ve tried using special treats to keep her close, but she’s more focused on doing her own thing than on the treats. Do you have any advice? Is it too late to train her?

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It’s never too late to start leash training, but keep in mind you’re working against years of your dog getting used to pulling, so it will take some time and patience. If you’re using treats, begin by walking your dog inside the house or in the backyard, rewarding them for every step. Once they grasp the idea, gradually move to slightly more distracting environments, still rewarding every step. Many people struggle with this because they increase the criteria too quickly—be generous with rewards and only raise expectations when it’s easy for your dog. Good luck!