Our Collie has an injured paw pad. The vet mentioned it might be a corn, but we’re not sure. It isn’t hard like you might expect corn to be; it looks more like a cut that won’t heal. Has anyone dealt with this kind of problem before? If so, how did you handle it?
How long has it been there? Is it causing any lameness? The veterinarian did not believe it was a wound?
One of my dogs recently slashed her paw pad open, which we are treating by bandaging and washing with betadine and vet-prescribed anti-inflammatories. I keep her on a lead at all times and limit her activities wherever possible. However, if there is no wound, this is unlikely to be helpful. If the wound is infected, it may require antibiotics.
So I guess the next question is, what does your Vet say the next step is?
Judging solely from that picture, the fur looks wet and the injured digit appears a bit red, especially the skin surrounding the pad. This could be due to a recent bath or because your dog has been licking the paw, indicating the injury bothers them. On first glance, the entire paw pad looks fairly dry. If this were my dog, I would start applying virgin cold-pressed coconut oil every night or a hydrating paw balm specifically made for dogs. Keeping their pads well-hydrated is important to avoid cracks and injuries. I would also avoid rough surfaces for a while.
The injury could be a few things, from hyperkeratosis (which could be caused by various diseases or be transient) to scabbing. Could it be a corn? Absolutely. If it seems to be causing your dog pain or affecting their gait, you should bring it up with your vet for a thorough examination. Keratomas can be mechanically or surgically excised or treated with topicals. Whatever the case, your vet is ultimately the best person to diagnose and provide instructions.
Hope all goes well, and keep us updated.
What did your veterinarian say about this? If you haven’t asked them yet, you may send them a photo of the pad and ask if you should bring the dog in for an appointment.