Raven keeps nipping and biting... what can I do?

Hey, so I’ve got this 12-week-old Rottweiler puppy named Raven, and she’s been nipping and biting my legs and feet like crazy. She goes wild when she doesn’t get attention from us. Whenever we try to stop her, she just gets worse. We’ve tried telling her to ‘leave it’ and giving her a kibble reward when she stops, but it only works for a few minutes before she starts again. We even tried smacking a rolled-up newspaper next to her, which helped a bit, but I’m not sure if that’s the best method. Any advice would be appreciated!

Oh man, sounds like Raven’s just craving your attention, lol. I had the same issue with my puppy! Honestly, the ‘leave it’ command can take a bit to stick. I’d suggest doing some timeouts when she starts biting. Just put her behind a gate for like a minute or so and repeat until she gets the idea. It worked wonders for my pup.

Yep, I’ve heard that timeouts work! I’ve been worried it might make her scared of me though. How do I do it without freaking her out?

BenjaminYoung said:
Yep, I’ve heard that timeouts work! I’ve been worried it might make her scared of me though. How do I do it without freaking her out?

Oh, I totally get that! You can keep it calm. Just gently lead her to a gated area or playpen, and make sure it’s a neutral space. You don’t want her to associate it with punishment. Just a little break from the playtime to reset. It should help her calm down.

Try using a bitter apple spray where she’s biting you. It doesn’t taste good to dogs, so it might help Raven lose interest in nipping your legs. I’ve used it with my dog and it worked like a charm!

Amanda said:
Try using a bitter apple spray where she’s biting you. It doesn’t taste good to dogs, so it might help Raven lose interest in nipping your legs. I’ve used it with my dog and it worked like a charm!

I’ll give that a shot, thanks for the tip! I just hope she doesn’t get too curious about the taste, lol. Does it really work that fast?

It took a few tries, but once she associates the taste with nipping, she’ll stop doing it. Just keep applying it when she goes for your legs and be patient with it!

Maybe try some mind-stimulating toys like a Kong or treat-dispensing ball to keep her occupied? My puppy used to get all bite-y when she was bored. It could help teach her some impulse control too!

NILAH said:
Maybe try some mind-stimulating toys like a Kong or treat-dispensing ball to keep her occupied? My puppy used to get all bite-y when she was bored. It could help teach her some impulse control too!

Oh, that’s a great idea! I’m gonna get one for Raven. Does it keep them busy for a while or do they get bored quickly?

It’s pretty good for keeping them distracted, but you might have to rotate a few toys in between. Puppies get bored fast, lol. Just make sure they’re safe to chew!

I agree with all of the above, but if you want to train her better on ‘leave it,’ just be consistent with small training sessions each day. Start in a quiet area and then gradually add distractions. It’ll take time, but she’ll get there!

Yeah, consistency is key with training! I’ve noticed a huge difference in my puppy’s behavior once I made training a daily thing. Just make sure to reward the good stuff!

Anne said:
Yeah, consistency is key with training! I’ve noticed a huge difference in my puppy’s behavior once I made training a daily thing. Just make sure to reward the good stuff!

Exactly! Rewards go a long way. Even small treats can help reinforce the behavior you want. Puppies love those little wins!

Just wanted to add—make sure you’re not using negative reinforcement like hitting her with a newspaper. Some dogs can get scared or aggressive with that. Positive reinforcement and patience will pay off in the end!

Yeah, I’ve been feeling a little bad about using the newspaper, so I’m definitely gonna try the other methods you all suggested. Thanks for the reminder!

Freya said:
Yeah, I’ve been feeling a little bad about using the newspaper, so I’m definitely gonna try the other methods you all suggested. Thanks for the reminder!

No worries! You’re doing the right thing by seeking advice. Puppies take time and patience, but you’ve got this. Keep it positive!