Anyone else’s backup taking forever... or is it just me?

I’ve been trying to back up my phone for hours now. It’s stuck at 50% for what feels like forever, and it’s super frustrating. My Wi-Fi is fine, but IDK why it’s taking so long. Anyone else dealing with this? Got any tips to speed it up?

Yeah, mine has been slow lately too. I tried restarting my phone and it helped a bit. Maybe give that a shot?

JacquelineJoy said:
Yeah, mine has been slow lately too. I tried restarting my phone and it helped a bit. Maybe give that a shot?

Good idea, I didn’t think of restarting. I’ll try that next time!

Try switching networks. I had this issue and switching from my Wi-Fi to mobile data helped me finish the backup way faster.

Lovedog said:
Try switching networks. I had this issue and switching from my Wi-Fi to mobile data helped me finish the backup way faster.

Ohh, mobile data? Didn’t know that could help, lol. I’ll give it a try next time. Thanks!

I’ve had the same issue. Maybe try clearing out some old apps or photos? Sometimes too much stuff can slow the backup process down.

evannah said:
I’ve had the same issue. Maybe try clearing out some old apps or photos? Sometimes too much stuff can slow the backup process down.

I’ll definitely try that. My phone’s full of old apps I never use, lol. Could be the culprit.

Check if your phone’s set to back up everything. If it’s trying to upload a ton of stuff, it could take forever. Maybe try backing up smaller things first?

SHAWN said:
Check if your phone’s set to back up everything. If it’s trying to upload a ton of stuff, it could take forever. Maybe try backing up smaller things first?

Oh, didn’t realize that could be a factor. I’ll try just backing up the essentials first.

If you’re on public Wi-Fi, it could be slowing things down too. Private connections seem to work better for me.

Lily said:
If you’re on public Wi-Fi, it could be slowing things down too. Private connections seem to work better for me.

Yeah, I’m on public Wi-Fi right now. Maybe that’s the issue. Thanks for the tip!