Why does my dog bark on a leash but stays calm off-leash?

Hey everyone, I need some advice. My dog Petra, a Border Collie/Chihuahua mix, is 3 years old now. She’s been with us since she was 3 months old, and around 1 year old, she started barking like crazy when we’re on walks, but only if another dog is in sight. The weird part is, when she’s off-leash, she doesn’t bark at all. She just runs up to the other dog, sniffs them, and then calms down. It’s like a switch flips. What could be causing this behavior? Would love to hear your thoughts or tips!

Sounds like classic leash reactivity! My dog used to do this too. It’s probably because being on a leash makes them feel restricted, so they react more strongly. Off-leash, they can approach freely and feel less tension.

Leash reactivity? Is that like aggression? My dog barks but isn’t aggressive either.

CathyGenesis said:
Leash reactivity? Is that like aggression? My dog barks but isn’t aggressive either.

Nah, it’s not aggression. It’s more like frustration or excitement because they can’t get to the other dog. They just don’t know how to handle it calmly while on a leash.

CathyGenesis said:
Leash reactivity? Is that like aggression? My dog barks but isn’t aggressive either.

That makes sense now! Petra’s barking always seemed more like she’s frustrated, not angry. Thanks for explaining!

Have you tried using treats to distract her when she starts barking? I do that with my dog, and it really helps keep her focus on me instead of the other dog.

MaryJane said:
Have you tried using treats to distract her when she starts barking? I do that with my dog, and it really helps keep her focus on me instead of the other dog.

I haven’t tried that yet. Do you just give the treat when they see the other dog, or wait until they stop barking?

Start before she barks! As soon as you see the other dog, get her attention on you with the treat. That way, she’s focused on something positive instead of reacting.

Got it! I’ll definitely try this next time we go out. Thanks for the tip!

This could also be a socialization thing. Maybe she’s just overly excited to meet other dogs and doesn’t know how to channel that energy on a leash.

Avery said:
This could also be a socialization thing. Maybe she’s just overly excited to meet other dogs and doesn’t know how to channel that energy on a leash.

That might be it! She does seem super excited once she’s close to the other dog and then calms down completely.

If it’s excitement, some structured socialization sessions could help. Like meeting dogs in a controlled environment with leashes on.

Good idea. I’ll look into local training classes or meetups for that!

Have you noticed if there’s a pattern? Like, does she bark more at certain breeds, sizes of dogs, or in specific places?

Ramirez said:
Have you noticed if there’s a pattern? Like, does she bark more at certain breeds, sizes of dogs, or in specific places?

Not really. She seems to bark at any dog in sight, regardless of breed or size. It’s mostly when we’re on walks.

Gotcha. Could just be a general leash thing then. Keep working on desensitizing her, and she’ll get better over time!

Does Petra pull on the leash too, or is it just the barking? Sometimes pulling and barking go hand in hand.

nellysmith said:
Does Petra pull on the leash too, or is it just the barking? Sometimes pulling and barking go hand in hand.

Yeah, she pulls like crazy when she sees another dog. It’s like she’s trying to drag me to them.

In that case, working on loose-leash walking could help a lot. Pair that with distraction techniques like treats, and you should see improvement.

Thanks, I’ll start focusing on that too. Appreciate all the advice here!