Why does my dog howl when i leave?

My dog howls when I am not around, and it bothers my neighbors. They described it as a loud “ARRROOOO” that happens sometimes, even if I am only gone for a short while. I think he might have separation anxiety. He doesn’t destroy anything, which is good. I feel bad for him and I want to fix it fast. Any advice?


Leaving a pet alone in a hotel room is similar to leaving a young child. Pets understand some things about their surroundings and react when their owners or parents leave.


My husky did this frequently, and he still does it on occasion.

I began to leave the house for short periods regularly. I’d tell him, ‘I’ll be right back, and you need to be a good boy.’ If I returned and he hadn’t barked, I’d give him a hug, praise, and reward. If he had barked, I would have hugged him, but I informed him that barking was terrible and there would be no treat.

He’s improved significantly over the last few months, but not completely. But it’s pretty damn close.

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Can you ask one of the neighbors how often it happens? For example, if he howls or barks nonstop for 30 minutes, that is unacceptable. If he howls once in a while, that’s normal behavior for dogs.

It’s possible that he’s hearing someone at the door, or that something else is triggering him.

Separation Anxiety is defined by four features:

  • Nonstop barking/howling for most of the time you’re gone. Barking for three hours straight, with brief pauses for breathing.

  • They injure themselves in their panic.

  • Urinating/defecating in a fright as soon as you leave.

  • Refusing to eat any food or snacks while you are away.

If your dog fits 3/4 of the criteria, you can diagnose separation anxiety. If your dog barks once or twice while you are gone for an hour, that is simply a dog being a dog.

If you’re friendly with the neighbor, make them some cookies and tell them you’re looking into it. Then set up a laptop or other camera to film what’s going on and how frequently he howls while you’re away. I’d record for a week and see if it was unreasonable.

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I believe it is separation anxiety. Dogs tend to be like this especially if they are so much attached to you

Your dog may howl when you leave because of separation anxiety or a desire for attention and companionship.