Why does my dog lay on top of me?

Any dog trainers or behaviorists out there? I’d love your input!

My dog has started doing this thing where she lays on my chest when I’m on the couch. If I’m watching TV, she comes over, lays on my chest, and wags her tail when I talk to her. If I’m working on the couch, she’ll try to lay on me until I lay down. When I grab her paws, she does a big stretch and buries her head in my neck. It’s the cutest thing, but I want to make sure it’s because she’s happy and not something else.

Here’s some background: My dog is almost 10 years old, and I’ve had her since she was a puppy. We’ve traveled a lot together, and she’s adapted well to different places. She sleeps on my lap on airplanes, is good on trains and cars, and has even lived on a boat. She gets excited when meeting new people and always looks forward to walks and food. She’s also fine being alone; no barking or accidents when I’m out.

She’s getting older, and I love her to pieces, so I just want to make sure she’s happy and not trying to tell me something is wrong when she lays on me.


That is normal @Mason. Many dogs prefer to rest up against other dogs or people they trust.

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Indeed. My cats constantly sleep on top of me; they are cats too. :smile: :smile: :smile:

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You don’t need to worry, this is most likely a sign of a happy and content pup!

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I was going to inquire as to the OP’s assurance that their dog wasn’t merely a cat.

Dogs are like that with their closest friends. Just observe how puppies nap. all over one another.

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I’ve always wanted an Irish Wolfhound, but if they laid on me, I feel like I would just vanish under them. :smile: